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The main page lists every page and its contents on the website. Many of the main pages are hyperlinked so you can go directly to what you are looking for.
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King's Psychology Network is an independent website created for students of psychology worldwide. Views, policies or format of King's Psychology Network do not necessarily represent the technology policies of Northern Virginia Community College. King's Psychology Network, does however, try to use the intellectual property guidelines set forth for Internet development.
Welcome to the Psychology Network! King's Psychology Network offers you many supportive materials in the study of psychology. Eventually, this will be a comprehensive site that will enable you to explore many subfields of psychology. You can use this site to support your studies of the subject; or, to improve your understanding and quality of life. The site will facilitate your learning and development. It is open to students of psychology and other related social science fields; as well as to the everyday citizen who would like to continue growing and developing. King's Psychology Network is an independent website designed for students of psychology, worldwide.
This site contains many pages. It has reference sources, interesting links on a variety of subjects by category, an online discussion and chatroom, lessons, PowerPoint presentations, student and adult projects, and more.
At the top of the home page are the following important pages for your use and they are hyperlinked below:
Contact Me - provides information on office location, office hours, mailing address and phone number.
Featured Videos- provides information on people, human nature and development; and, current issues in psychology.
Psychology Fair - Announces dates and activities of the psychology fair. Also includes downloadable guidelines and application form. Announces psychology fair winners.
Study Abroad
Student Projects and Websites - Contains some of the outstanding and creative work of students, including concept models, digital portfolios and websites. A page on exemplary student papers also will be added in the future.
Service Learning - This page provides an overview of Service Learning which is an option as a final project in all psychology courses. Please read carefully and understand the requirements for service learning. In addition, I list some examples of the types of service learning projects that have been developed by students, along with a PowerPoint presentation on SL and a set of guidelines for developing your project. These can be downloaded.
Study Strategy Tips - Pay particular attention to this page, which has some very useful suggestions about how to study for my psychology courses, along with a very useful set of links. Developing a good set of study skills is critical to success in this course.
I have included select images of my paintings.
Guest Artists - A page featuring my professional artist associates and friends.
Guide to This Site - provides you with a map of where every subject and page is located on this site.
Will provide you with a quick overview of new additions on the site.
Please use the search engine to find items or topics on the site. Below is a listing of topics on the site, though this listing may not be complete as the site is regularly updated and other topics are being added.
Each main page is hyperlinked. You can click on the dotted lines to get to the main page and subpages.
Main Page
Sub Pages Under Main Page
 Overview of Class Schedule Psy 201
 Psy Forums & Activities
 Downloadable Handouts in Adobe PDF (Portfolio and SL Guidelines; Student Performance Record, Poster Presentations, Reflective Journals, APA/APS, Student Performance Record, Questions About Course Requirements)
 Overview of Psychology
 History of Psychology
 Psychohistory: St. Thomas Acquinas
 The Enteric Nervous System: The Brain in the Gut
 The Role of Evolutionary Theory in Describing Sexual Behavior
 Work Motivation
 Emotion: Exercise and Physical Arousal
 Animal Cognition
 References, Libraries, On-line Journals, Style Manuals & Study Guides
 History of Psychology
 Ethics in Psychology
 Brain and Behavior
 Sensation and Perception
 Motivation and Emotion
 Thinking, Language & Intelligence
 Animal Learning, Language and Cognition
 Theories of Personality
 Altered States of Consciousness
 Psychopathology: Psychological Disorders
 Social Psychology
 Overview Page
 Overview of Psychology
 Research on Human & Animal Subjects
 Brain & Behavior
 Evolutionary Psychology
 Thinking & Language
 Language or Thinking?
 Thinking Without Language
 Language and Development
 Animal Learning, Language & Cognition
 Altered States of Consciousness
 Social Psychology
 What is Psychology?
PowerPoint Presentations
Main Page
Sub Pages Under Main Page
 Psychology 230
 Psychology 235
 Forums & Activities
 Downloadable Handouts in Adobe PDF (Portfolio Guidelines, Service Learning Guidelines)
 Examinations-Psy 231
 Debate Guidelines
 Jean Piaget's Genetic Epistemological Theory of Development
 Genetics, Conception & Prenatal Development: Discussion Guidelines
 Infancy & Toddlerhood: Discussion Guidelines
 My Toddler Friend Cael
 Childhood: Historical Perspectives
 Childhood Play
 Childhood & Video Games
 Childhood: Discussion Guidelines
 Indigo Children & Adults
 Adolescence: Overview, History, Theories
 Erik Erik Erikson's Young Man Luther
 Mature Adulthood: My Friend Phyllis (Case Study)
 Mature Adulthood: My Friend Bob (Case Study)
 References, Libraries, Online Journals, Style Manuals & Study Guides
 Overview of Development
 Developmental Theories
 Genetics and Genetic Engineering
 Prenatal Development & Birth
 Infancy & Toddlerhood
 Childhood: Early and Middle
 Mental Health Risk Factors: A Directory of Resources for Children & Adolescents
 Young and Middle Adulthood
 Mature Adulthood - Aging
 Dying, Death & Grieving
 Overview Page
 Theories on Development
 Genetics & Genetic Engineering
 Conception & Prenatal Development
 Birth, Infancy & Toddlerhood
 Early and Middle Childhood
 Young Adulthood
 Middle Adulthood
 Mature Adulthood
 Death & Dying
PowerPoint Presentations
Main Page
Sub Pages Under Main Page
 Detailed Topical Overview
 What is Research?
 Tools of Research
 Topics, Problem, Questions & Hypotheses
 Literature Reviews
 APA Format
 Research Design
 Data Analysis
 Research Presentation
 References, Libraries, Online Journals, Research and Style Manuals and Study Guides
 Ethics in Research
 Research Tools and Methods
 Writing Research Reports
 Research Types
 Data Analysis
 Research Presentation
 APA Style and Format
Main Page
Sub Pages Under Main Page
 Overview of Theories, Theorists, & Related Links
 Other Theorists To Be Added
 Martin Luther
 Evaluate Theories
Main Page
Sub Pages Under Main Page
 Health Psychology
 Cognitive Sciences
 Comparative Pspychology
 Developmental Science
 Energy Medicine
 Evolutionary Psychology
 Positive Psychology
 Quantum Physics and Psychology
Main Page
Sub Pages Under Main Page
Study Abroad Tours
 2012-Grand Tour of Europe
 2014-Sicily and Rome
 2015-South America-Peru
 Why Study Abroad?
 Benefits and Impacts
 Study Abroad Requirements
 About EF Tours, Inc.
 People & Language
 Culture & Religion
 'Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
 Paris-Ile de la Cite, Ile St. Louis, The Seine, The Celts, The Romans, Arrondissements, Behavior and Culture, Architecture
 Overview of French Riviera
 Scenes from Oxford University Roundtable, Oxford, England
 The Home of William Shakespeare
 The Home of Winston Churchill
Please feel free to provide your comments, feedback, and suggestions, using the form below. Your comments will help assess the site and expand its development. Thank you!
Please send comments and feedback on this site!
Privacy Policy: King's Psychology Network does not have a relationship with any other site to sell data collected on this site. You may link to other sites, however, that may or may not collect data, and use cookies. You should review the linked site's privacy policy. King's Psychology Network attempts to safequard any information gathered from its visitors and members in accord with intellectual property laws.
Disclaimer: Links to external web sites are for the convenience of the user. These sites have been carefully selected for the information they provide. However, use does not necessarily constitute any approval by King's Psychology website of the visited links or websites.
Liability: Every effort is made to provide accurate and complete information. However, King's Psychology Network cannot guarantee that there will be no errors. Sites change their URLs frequently, and to the extent that we can, King's Psychology Network makes every attempt to keep links active; but broken links will occur. We ask the viewers to send us comments about the site and about any broken links found.
King's Psychology Network is an independent website created for students of psychology at NVCC and worldwide. Views, policies or format of King's Psychology Network do not necessarily represent the technology policies of Northern Virginia Community College. King's Psychology Network, does however, try to use the intellectual property guidelines set forth for Internet development.