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Enriching the Lives of Children:
Creating Meaningful and Novel Stimulus Experiences to Promote Cognitive, Moral and Emotional Development
(Released June 2008) 2nd Printing July 2009
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 9781847184429, Hardback, 160pp.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN (10) 1-4438-1253-6; ISBN (13) 978-1-4438-1253-5, Paperback, 152pp.
This book is an exploration of innovations in teaching and learning. The book reflects scholarship,
synthesis and creativity as the author reviews decades of research and practice on educational and
instructional reforms designed to enrich learning and life for children, through novel and
stimulating experiences. King provides a service to educators, parents and those interested in
child development with excellent suggestive strategies that can be used in educating and raising children.