Adulthood and Aging
Fulbright Visiting Teaching and Research Scholar at the University of the Bahamas
Fall 2018 & Spring 2019
The development of the individual is an exciting process beginning with the rapid metamorphoses of cells at conception
and continuing through intricate changes of growth and aging. The study of development is also intriguing because each
of us, and everyone we care about, is constantly developing. Therefore, this course embraces both scientific discoveries and
personal insights.
The field of lifespan developmental psychology represents a relatively new approach to a longstanding interest in how people
change with age. This course will examine the pertinent theories about development and discuss the findings from research,
which reveal solutions, approaches, experimental and clinical evidence from measurement and testing.
This course is designed for you to learn about the best the field has to offer regarding guidelines, approaches, interpretations
and solutions relative to development in adulthood and aging. The goal is for you to gain new knowledge and understanding
with implications for practical application. Application to everyday life will be drawn from the exploration of theories, readings,
research, and discussion.
In this course, students explore the psychological and physical changes of adulthood and aging. Students assess diverse
cultural variations in adult development and aging as well as research issues in adult psychology. You will accomplish some
of the following: 1) become familiar with theories of adult development; 2) learn and understand the developmental milestones
taking place in adulthood and aging, with a focus on physical, cognitive and psychosocial processes; 3) examine cultural influences
on development, and 4) critique related readings and research on adulthood and mature adulthood.
Download Syllabus, Schedule and Other Pertinent Assignments Below
Course Syllabus
Class Schedule
First Day Introductions, Activities and Assignment
Select Sample of Issues in Adulthood and Aging
Rating Form for Issues
Guidelines for Book Critiques
Rating Criteria for Book Critiques
Luther-Discussion Questions for Film and Book
Guidelines for Reflection Papers on Emerging Adulthood, Adulthood and Mature Adulthood
Related Learning Links on Young Man Luther
Mature Adulthood
Dying and Death
Rubrics for Final Projects and Presentations
Guidelines-Portfolio Development - Student Packet (PDF)
Guidelines-Poster Presentations (PDF)
Guidelines-Reflective Journal - Student Packet (PDF)
Guidelines - Service Learning - Student Packet (PDF)
Making the Grade in Group Presentations (PDF)
Opening Class Summary and One-Minute Motivator
Scholarly Articles and Research
Emerging Adulthood
Emerging in a Digital World: A Decade Review of Media Use, Effects, and
Gratifications in Emerging Adulthood
Female College Stuudents' Media Use and Academic Outcomes: Results From a
Longitudinal Cohort Study
Identity in Emerging Adulthood: Reviewing the Field and Looking Forward
Unmasking Class: How Upwardly Mobile Poor and Working
Class Emerging Adults, Negotiate an Invisible Identity
A Longitudinal Examination of Adolescent and Young Adult Homeless
Experience, Life Course, Transitions and Health
Mature Adulthood, Dying and Death
Complicated Grief and Related Bereavement Issues for DSM-5
Adjustment to Aging in Late Adulthood
Aging Populations-The Challenge Ahead
The Biology of Aging
Exploring Death from Characters
Global Health and Aging
Impact of Resilience Among Older Adults
Race and Aging
Religion, Spirituality and Aging--Global Perspectives
Skills for the Elderly
Social and Economic Impacts on Resilience in Aging
Strategies for Successful Aging
Successful Cognitive and Emotional Aging
Suffering and Aging
The Oldest Old--Perspectives on Adjustment
The State of Mental Health and Aging in America