Synposis of Course Syllabus
(Download Complete Syllabus Below)
Required Text & Readings
Berger, Kathleen. (2019). Invitation to the Lifespan, 4 ed., New York: Worth Publishers.
Required: E-book & Access Card to the Development Portal.
Purchase online or bookstore at:
Brown, B., Larson, R. & T.S. Saraswathi. (2002). The world’s youth: Adolescence in eight regions of the globe. Cambridge:
Miller, Lisa. (2015). The spiritual child: The new science on parenting for health and lifelong thriving. New York: St. Martin's Press.
King, Rosalyn (2008/2009). Enriching the lives of children: Creating meaningful and novel stimulus experiences to promote
cognitive, moral and emotional development. Cambridge, England: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
To order books, click below:
(You can also order the King book online from the publisher at: )
The development of the individual is an exciting process beginning with the rapid metamorphoses of cells at
conception and continuing through intricate changes of growth and aging. The study of development is also intriguing
because each of us, and everyone we care about, is constantly developing. Therefore, this course embraces
both scientific discoveries and personal insights.
The field of lifespan developmental psychology represents a relatively new approach to a longstanding interest in how
people change with age. This course will examine the pertinent theories about development and discuss the findings
from research, which reveal solutions, approaches, experimental and clinical evidence from measurement and testing.
This course is designed for you to learn about the best that the field has to offer regarding guidelines, approaches,
interpretations and solutions relative to the development of human potential across each phase of the lifespan.
And, as a result, this course will contribute to your gaining new knowledge, understanding and the discovery of
solutions to any current problems. Implications for application to everyday life will be drawn
from the exploration of theories, research, and discussion. With this in mind, the following objectives are set for
this course:
1. CURIOSITY: To develop and nurture a desire to learn more about development. This curiosity should
be demonstrated through an enthusiasm for exploring information and knowledge set forth in the textbook
as well as discovering and examining supplementary reading material and research studies.
2. APPRECIATION: To appreciate the complexities and subtleties of change across the life span,
to appreciate individual differences.
3. KNOWLEDGE: To become knowledgeable of the current research findings and guidelines about human
development which contributes to empowerment and individual growth and
4. UNDERSTANDING: To learn the basic theories, concepts, principles, approaches and recommended
strategies that comprise the body of knowledge about development.
5. APPLICATION: To apply the knowledge gained to your professional and everyday life.
6. ENJOYMENT: To enjoy the process of dialogue, exploration, inquiry, and learning in this course.
This course covers both segments of Psychology 231 and 232 (Lifespan Developmental Science) in one semester
instead of two. Therefore, this will be an intense course as the pace will be rapid.
The course will focus on an overview and history of the field of developmental psychology, the critical questions
and issues permeating the field, and the pertinent theories. It will provide an overview of development across the lifespan
and include discussions of conception and prenatal development, infants and toddlers, early and middle childhood,
adolescence, young and middle adulthood, and mature (or late) adulthood and the processes of aging. In addition,
explorations will be made of the final transitional period of dying and death.
Classes will meet at the regularly scheduled time. There will be 16 class sessions. A detailed class schedule is attached.
This course will use a combination of activities in the classroom including lecture, discussion, critiques of books
and periodicals, group work, cooperative and collaborative learning, public forums, formal debates, media
presentations, etc. The time constraints on this course are such that your professor may not be able to lecture on
all aspects of your readings.You will be held responsible for all material assigned in your text or
supplementary readings.
Students are expected to read the assigned chapter(s) and any assigned readings before class and come to
class prepared to participate. Individual students or groups of students may be asked to make special presentations
in class periodically.