Research on Animal Subjects
Research methods allow psychologists to investigate their ideas and subject matter. How psychologist perform their research is often a subject of controversy. For example, sometimes animals are used to test experimental procedures before they are applied to humans. Is this right? Should animals be experimented on - and sometimes sacrificed - in the service of humans? How and where would you draw the line on the use of animals in research? Even if the use of animals is justified in research that saves human lives, should they be used? Is the use of animals justified for testing cosmetics or for testing plastic surgery research? What are the reasons for your response? For more information, go to the APA site and article on the use of animals in research (below).
The reasons for animal use in research as outlined by APA.
Research on Human Subjects
What limits, if any, should be set on psychological research that is conducted on humans? Are there some experiments that are so potentially psychologically harmful to people that they should not be performed?